
“After 20 years of being apart of Digital Marketing, I finally see.  Its about evolving with the ever changing environment.  And helping other businesses, realize those changes, so they can grow”

About Me

Hi, I’m Anthony Iwikau, thanks for taking the time out to visit my Website & check out the services I offer as a Freelancer, from Auckland, New Zealand.

I’m a born & bred kiwi from New Zealand, originally from a place called Eltham in Taranaki.

So what do I know, is probably the next question you may be asking? I purchased my first PC, in 2001. At that time, I didn’t really know too much about PCs, let alone the internet or digital marketing. However the entrepreneur in me, gave me the drive to learn more.

Over the next few years, I ran a part time business, offering services from Website Design, Graphic Design, SEO, SEM to Social Media & Paid Advertising online. In 2017, I realized my lifetime dream of running a Cafe, Restaurant & Bar, until I moved to Auckland in 2020.

After suffering from Osteoarthritis, my life did a complete 360 degree turn, leading me back to Digital Marketing. I started off designing Websites & Ad Graphics, 18 months ago.

However, I decided to revert back to my first love. Facebook Ads, Google Ads/Adwords and SEO services. I love the challenge of identifying a new customer’s market, then using market analysis to get their products & services out to their defined audience.

Even though I only work with a handful of new clients each month. Once your campaign is up and running, I can also manage your advertising and marketing campaign, so you don’t have to worry about it. If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Helping Others To Succeed!

The best thing about Digital Design & Marketing, is the new goals you achieve when helping other businesses. Each business is different, meaning their goals are as well. This makes the service so much more rewarding.

Every Opportunity is an Option to Grow

Every business I work with is an opportunity for both of us to grow. My growth comes from learning your, business goals, how you operate and where you want to head. Your growth comes from understanding the strategies that are introduced, and building your business with them.

Vision And Strategy

My Vision & Strategy, is to help and teach as many online businesses I can. By implementing what I know, and introducing new & old marketing ideas and concepts that work for you.

Do you need more Information? Contact Us... Today!